1422 1st St. Santa Rosa
CA 94559. United States
Mon - Sat: 9:00 - 18:00
Sunday: CLOSE

Quality control

Quality control

Out of our deep belief that quality in any institution is the core of success and development, one of Desert Farms Co. priorities was to establish a strong quality control department that applies strict quality guidelines in all production phases to obtain high quality, clear and safe products. This has been obtained partly by acquiring the apt and required quality certificates, and also utilizing unsurpassed qualified personnel. This has contributed to achieve excellence in quality standards and also constant market quality demands.

Desert Farms Co. is quite distinguished when it comes to committing to high quality, and this has helped to earn and maintain its reputation of being a leading supplier of bulk agricultural crops. This has also been the main gateway to win permanent customers and set up long‐term and strong business relations with various leading companies around the world, especially in Europe and the Americas.


Factory & Farms

Export contacts